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Dear correspondence chess friends and all who can become correspondence chess friends,
The EmailChessPoint invites you hereby to enter the cup tournament 2021 (playing time from 20.09.2021 - 5 rounds).
Anyone who can send and receive emails and who enjoys chess may participate. Excluded are players who in the period 01.10.2022 to 30.09.2023 from one game or from more than one game without the permission of the without the permission of the tournament director.
The rules of the game and the tournament rules of the EmailChessPoint apply, which can be found at at http://www.emailchesspoint.de/regele.php.
Those who have already registered do not need to register again.
It is played in mixed trio and knockout system.(*)
In each group of two or three, the player who scores the most points advances to the next round. Between players with the same number of points shall be decided by lot.
The registration is done by web form http://www.emailchesspoint.de/foame.php or by email to wolfgangrimm@email.de with the indication of real name and email address. The last possible registration date is 10.09.2023. Registrations may be cancelled until 10.09.2023.
The winner gets a trophy.
(*) Mixed System:
To determine the 1st round, the participants are sorted by scoring numbers and then divided into pairs of players, the 1st and 2nd of the scorecard into player pair A, the 3rd and 4th of the scorecard into player pair B, the 5th and 6th of the scorecard into player pair C and so on. If more than 32 but less than 48 registrations are received, dummies will be drawn into player pairs Q to X. From each player pair 1 player A1, B1, C1, ... or A2, B2, C2, ... will be drawn by lot.
If there are more than 48 participants, more than 16 groups are formed, and the reduction to a power of two of round participants will be done accordingly in the next ready following round.
In trios the first first-named against second-named, second-named against third-named, third-named against first-named. In groups of two 2 players play 2 games with different color distribution against each other. Accordingly, in each round in which each player participates, he plays 1 game with white and 1 game with black.
The following pairs and trios will result. Qualifiers not named for the subsequent rounds will find their place free in their leading direction.
A1-I1-Q1 E1-M1-U1 C1-K1-S1 G1-O1-W1 B1-J1-R1 F1-N1-V1 D1-L1-T1 H1-P1-X1 H2-P2-X2 D2-L2-T2 F2-N2-V2 B2-J2-R2 G2-O2-W2 C2-K2-S2 E2-M2-U2 A2-I2-Q2 \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / A1-E1 C1-G1 B1-F1 D1-H1 D2-H2 B2-F2 C2-G2 A2-E2 \ / \ / \ / \ / A1-C1 B1-D1 B2-D2 A2-C2 \ / \ / A1-B1 A2-B2 \ / A1-A2
Each subsequent round starts when all games of the round are finished. Games that have been determined earlier may be started without a round start letter.
Addendum on the occasion of the start of the tournament:
There have been 28 participants. The case that there are less than 32 participants was not foreseen in the announcement.
The tournament will be shortened by one round. The announcement will be adjusted accordingly.
It resulted with 28 participants that 8 trios and 2 duos are to be played in the 1st round.
In the 2nd round there are 2 trios and 2 duos to be played.
In all other respects, the announcement remains unchanged.
The adjusted scheme is after all lot steps have been performed:
A1-F1-K1 C1-H1-M1 B1-G1 D1-I1-N1 E1-J1 D2-I2-N2 B2-G2-L2 C2-H2-M2 E2-J2-O2 A2-F2-K2 \ / \ | / \ / \ | / A1-C1 B1-D1-E1 B2-D2 A2-C2-E2 \ / \ / A1-B1 A2-B2 \ / A1-A2