
EmailChessPoint: Announcement of the season 2020-21 of the open EmailChessPoint league for teams of 4

Dear chess friends,

The EmailChessPoint team league enters its first regular season, the season 2020-21. The regulations of the Announcement of the open EmailChessPoint league for teams of 4 apply. There will be at least 4, at most 6 games to play on each board.

Any chess player who can send and receive e-mails and accepts the rules is allowed to play in a team and/or to be a team captain. Anyone who has been excluded from the 2019-20 team league is excluded as a player or team captain.

The team league plays with up to 7 teams single track. From 8 participating teams on, the teams of the 2019-20 season will play the champion of the team league 2020-21 in the 1st league, and all newly registered teams will play at least 2 promoted teams to the 1st league in the 2nd league.

The closing date for applications is 30 September 2020.

Players looking for a team and teams looking for additional players are offered active mediation by the project management.

With friendly correspondence chess greetings Kurt Schwenger

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